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Quench - 2 pack, Large

Quench - 2 pack, Large

Regular price $56.00
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Help your houseplants thrive by watering at the optimal time


🌿 Chimes when your plant needs water - Prevents plants from dying due to over and under watering.

🌿 Every Quench plays a unique tone - Just as every plant is unique, every Quench plays a unique chime to give each of your plants a unique voice. 

🌿 Blinks red at night - If your plant needs water during the night, Quench lights up red instead so will never disturb your sleep. Quench requires 1.5 days to "learn" your specific environment to determine when it will transition to night mode

🌿 Handy scale to set the correct depth for your plant - 

Water Loving Plants - Adjust Quench to level ~1,2 to ensure optimal watering

Dry Loving Plants Adjust Quench to level ~3,4 to ensure optimal watering

🌿 Metal alloy sensors - Quench sensors are made from a metal alloy allowing unmatched soil moisture detection

🌿 Easily replaceable batteries last years - Quench batteries will last on average over 3 years. Quench will produce two beeps when the battery level becomes low. Replace with two inexpensive, common LR44 button batteries

🌿 Tips: 


- Use Quench Regular for plant pots under 8-10 inches

- Use Quench Large for plant pots over 8-10 inches

POT - Use a plant pot with drainage to prevent overwatering of you plant in case you added too much water

SOIL - Use standard soil/peat based potting mixes to help ensure sensors have good physical contact with the soil

LIGHT - Don't place Quench in the middle of very dense foliage or Quench may have difficulty knowing when it is daytime and will only blink.  

 Package includes

2 x Quench Regular Large Meter with batteries

2 x Quench instruction pamphlet

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Never forget to water your plants again!

How To

1. Pull out the battery tab

2. Insert into your houseplant soil at the correct depth

3. Use your finger to compress the soil around the sensors to ensure good contact

4. Water your plant to further let the soil settle around the sensors

5. Wait until you hear Quench chime or see it blink at night and give your plant a thorough watering

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews

Product did not work at all.

Soumik S.
Works well

Love that I don’t have to keep track of when to water the plants. The Quench device is easy to use and setup. Depending on the plant, you may need to find the right spot to place the device but once it’s set up correctly, it’s very easy to ensure that your plants don’t dry out

Gail Stein
Handy Tool for Plant Lovers

I purchased these meters for my air-purifying plants throughout my home. Love the convenience of knowing when they need watering!

Love them love them love them

I backed these guys when crowdfunding and was so pleased I did. The product is simple to use and does exactly what it has been designed for. I'm sort of addicted and keep coming back for more. I think I have one in every plant pot now and so far I have not killed a single plant this year. You have to use a little common sense and have some understanding of your plant's needs to get the full benefit of the product. I have a few plants that like to have a dry period in between watering so when it starts to beep it gives me an indication that the soil is dry and starts to beep so I have made a little cap to place on top of the probe to stop it beeping and make a note to leave a little longer before watering... it would be great if quench could design and sell a little hat for the probe for this purpose. I have learnt to trust this device and it definitely prevents overwatering. Shipping to the UK is a little slow but my orders have always turned up and the tracking keeps you informed of their location etc. The battery seems to last forever as I have not yet had to replace them. It is important to understand what your plant's water needs are and ensure the probe is put at the correct depth as it higher the probe the wetter it will be. For example for succulents that don't like to be sat in damp wet soil all the time you need to ensure the correct probe size is used allowing the prob to go as deep in the pot as possible otherwise you could overwater. Lots of really good pictorial instructions on the website that I would recommend you read and understand. Also, read up on what your plant's ideal water needs are as every plant is different.

Nelson Caldas

Help me soo much

How to

Simply insert Quench in the soil, and let your plant tell you when to water

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